Who is your all-time favorite chess player?


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Windy day

Quite a journey from The US Chess Center to Annapolis Overlook.
A short day at work, and a nice lunch with the fellows.
Alternate routes are essential if one is to travel within the District of Columbia. I chose one, and was rewarded handsomely with a calm ride to gas up in NE DC.
I got out of my car, and was nearly blown away-literally!
Finished gassing up the 9th wonder of the world, my Toyota with 413,000 miles, and going. Maybe someone will give a shout out to Toyota for me. I would love to let the world know that their vehicles are still very reliable. The selfish reason is that if it survies 1,000,000 miles, they will give me a free one!
The ride to the east was astounding. A brush-fire two counties away had an impact as I proceeded towards the Chesapeake. So pronounced, it closed route 95 north.
Life provides lots of wonder.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The gift of curiosity in chess

The ever expanding world is a gift to those that have a thirst for learning.
In chess, we have been blessed with a game that even computers have had issue solving.
The perfect opening?
The perfect game?
At least we have a perfect solution...CHECKMATE!
I am constantly amazed at what I see on a regular basis.
The simple roots of the double attack provide the foundation for tremendous flights of fancy.
The computer confounds human logic with computer logic.
A great time to be a chess player, unless you long for the days of slow information, slow change, and only a handful of superstars.
That was fun too!
When you watch today- whether it is a super GM or a super gm-chip, allow the gift of curiosity to flow, and you shall be rewarded!

Saturday, January 29, 2011